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Before signing in to Facebook, please tick here to confirm that you have read our Privacy & Cookie Policy, and have read and agree to be bound by the MyMillennium Terms and Conditions
We wish to confirm your age as you must be 18 years or older to join the MyMillennium, and so we provide more personalised marketing to you (should you elect to receive it.)
We wish to confirm your age as you must be 18 years or older to join the MyMillennium rewards programme. When you join MyMillennium, we will send you various service communications by email regarding your membership, including monthly points statements.
Marketing Communications
We would also like to send you offers, discounts and promotions about our products and services, and those of our third party partners and affiliates, by e-mail. These communications will come from M & C Reservations Services Limited as a subsidiary of the Millennium & Copthorne Hotels Limited group of companies (“MHR Group”), unless provided otherwise in our Privacy and Cookie Policy and/or the MyMillennium terms and conditions.
(I would like to receive offers, discounts and promotions about products and services by email offered by:
The MHR Group
Third party partners and affiliates
You can manage your communication preferences via the preference centre on your MyMillennium profile page.
Tick here to confirm that you have read our Privacy and Cookie Policy, and have read and agree to be bound by the MyMillennium Pro Terms and Conditions and the MyMillennium Terms and Conditions Corporate bookers must note that they responsible fori) Informing and obtaining approval from their employer to participate in the programii) Ensuring that their participation in the MyMillennium Pro does not contravene their terms and conditions of their employment, their employer’s internal policies and procedures on the receipt of gifts and incentives or any other applicable local laws, rules or regulations.