هل تخطط لاجتماعك أو مناسبتك؟دعنا نساعدك في تنظيم مناسبة أحلامك.
الاجتماعات والمناسبات
Grand Millenium Shanghai Hongqiao

CHINA SHANGHAI الاجتماعات والمناسبات

The perfect venues in Shanghai Hongqiao for successful events

Host awards dinners, product launches, and even discreet board meetings in our Hongqiao meeting and conference rooms, set in one of Hongqiao’s finest locations. Leverage our business and secretarial services, and multitude of business facilities, all designed to set your event up for success. Our Events Team will take care of the planning, coordinating, and even the finer details to create an impactful event that’s sure to impress your guests.

المواقع Prosperity Halls
Our 3 Prosperity Halls are ideal as seminar or workshop rooms. They can be used individually, or joined together to create a space for 200 guests.
طلب تقديم عروض
المواقع Longevity Hall
An oval room that's perfect for small banquets of up to 220 guests.
طلب تقديم عروض
المواقع Foyer
Ideal as a conference breakout area, or pre-dinner cocktail space. It accommodates up to 220 guests
طلب تقديم عروض